The Bitches

A picture is worth a thousand words? Probably not in this case, but I thought it would be fun to introduce the bitches to the interwebz properly.

Meet Mage!Bitch. She was not my first toon, but she was my first WoW love. I created her late one night after a few months admiring other bathrobe bitches from afar. No, I didn't roll a mage because of ZOMGDPS - I didn't even know what that meant at the time. All I knew were that mages looked cool and I wanted to play one. My euphoria of face-melty magedom was quickly crushed when I found out how damn squishy these toons were, and I promptly abandoned her. It wasn't until several months later, in a fit of boredom, that I dusted her off and gave her another try. I never looked back.

I leveled her the old-fashioned way, via quest grind. Like most mage folk, I rolled frost all the way up. Unlike most folks, I loved playing a frost mage - the ice barrier allowed me to take on mobs and higher level critters that I could never tackle as a hunter. Once I hit 80, I sadly bid farewell to my beloved fireball proc so I could raid with the purple pew pew goodness of the arcane spec.

I have been raiding with Mage!Bitch since February 2010. Being my first 80, she has served as my test case: I have learned multiplayer mechanics and raid fights via this toon. Ya, that means Mage!Bitch has stood in all manner of bad stuff, taken cleaves from Marrowgar, and wiped herself by throwing a fully-procted missle barriage at a shielded target. Mage!Bitch's bathrobe has quite a few holes, but I wear them with sheepish pride.

Meet Priest!Bitch. Somewhere along the way, I got brave and decided that I wanted to try a different raiding role. I dabbled with several different types of healers before I settled on a priest. To me, priesty healing was the same as magey face-melting, I just threw spells at the good guys instead of the bad.

For two reasons, I decided to level Priest!Bitch entirely through the random dungeon system. Firstly, I wanted to heal with this character, so I figured it best to start learning early - I didn't want to level her as a dps, hit 80, switch to healz, and wipe my first raid due to incompetence. Secondly, I hate questing. Ya, I know....what the hell am I doing playing Warcraft? So from level 19 to 80, it was all five-man dungeons. As you can imagine, I have a whole treasure trove of funnies, failz & facepalms from those experiences.

Anyway, Priest!Bitch has only been level 80 for about two months, and has only been raiding for a handful of weeks. Priest!Bitch exclusively rolls a discipline spec - I like my pretty soap bubbles and my sparkly penance. Ya, I've tried Holy...I don't like it and I won't do it. So there. The biggest surprise I have encountered regarding raid healing is that, quite often, it is easier than DPSing. The biggest difference in experience from Mage!Bitch to Priest!Bitch, aside from the role switch, is my confidence and experience. It took me a long time to work up the nerve to raid ICC when I first entered the raid scene with Mage!Bitch. In contrast, I jumped in there with Priest!Bitch as soon as I had decent enough gear.

So.......ya. I guess that's it. This post makes me feel silly - like that overeager parent that pops out out the baby pics at every opportunity. But hey, we put a lot of effort into our toons, I guess there is nothing wrong with showing them off once in awhile. Thanks for indulging me.